Insect & pest control

Insects & Pest control

Keep your eyes peeled at all times for insects or pests attacking your garden. Often damage is not always obvious and is only visible on closer inspection, so it's wise to inspect your plants regularly for damage. Control measures to use, all depends on what is attacking your plant. We have a number of options in store that you can use against these nasties, however there are also options of things you already have at home.

The easiest is usually to bring a photo of your plant into store or send it to us via email below.

Ask us about pests or insects in your garden.

Fruit Flies - eats your fruit.

The female fly lays her eggs under the skin of the fruit. When the larvae hatch, they burrow deeper into the fruit causing it to rot.

We recommend Searles Fruit Fly Trap, whic is reusable, just change the wick each year. The wick attracts the male fruit fly, traps and kills them, stopping the breeding cycle.

Read more here.

Azalea Lace Bug

These bugs feed on the plant's sap, causing unsightly mottling on the topside of the leaves.

We recommend to spray with Searles Conguard. Spray the underside of the leaves where the insects hide.

Read more here.

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